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Showing posts from January, 2020

Do black holes really exist?

Welcome back, Hey guys first of all I want to clarify that I am none to accept or deny about the existence or non existence of black holes.It is a huge topic and already many theories have been put regarding this by great scientists.I will just discuss about my views on existence of black hole. Let's start.. Coming to the basic definition of black hole which states that a black hole is created by a dying star by collapsing under its own mass by getting reduced to nearly zero volume.When a huge mass shrinks in volume in space time fabric it gets penetrated inside it leading to so called hole.But the question is whether the star shrinks to zero volume.If it is so where will the mass exist?The mass can only exist at non zero volume.In my opinion,the black holes when created go deep inside a point,that is the point of singularity.The other case can be that the hole created goes to infinity and never stops at a point. Thanks...

How and why lightening occurs?

Hello guys, Welcome back.This post is related to thundering and lightening.We all have witnessed lightening in our lives and often wondered the reason behind it.Researchers use high speed and high definition cameras to record lightening and to know its insights.Well here we would discuss about it.It all starts with formation of clouds.When the earth gets heated,the warm air(lighter in density)moves up.After reaching certain height it cools down and converts to clouds.The air above it is much colder which causes formation of ice blocks.This ice blocks when move hapazard,collide with each other and generate electric charges.The upper portion being positive and lower being negative.This negatively charged clouds induce positive charge on ground and electric discharge takes place between clouds and earth.This electrostatic discharge occurs by breaking the insulation property of air.The air is an insulator up to a certain voltage around it.But when millions of volts of energy surrounds it...