Hey guys,
It's winter time in the Indian sub continent now and you all must be enjoying this winter.You all must have noticed that during winters the barking of dogs can be herd who are far away from us as compared to other seasons.Well this is because of the fact that sound is a mechanical wave and requires medium to travel and since air is colder in winters,it is suitable for sound to travel at higher speed.This is because colder air has higher density than warm air and the more the density of air more will be the speed of sound passing through it.
It's winter time in the Indian sub continent now and you all must be enjoying this winter.You all must have noticed that during winters the barking of dogs can be herd who are far away from us as compared to other seasons.Well this is because of the fact that sound is a mechanical wave and requires medium to travel and since air is colder in winters,it is suitable for sound to travel at higher speed.This is because colder air has higher density than warm air and the more the density of air more will be the speed of sound passing through it.
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