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Showing posts from March, 2020

Tricks and Tips to clear competitive exams.

Hii, It's been 8 years that I last appeared for AIEEE and PET.But I can share some tips from those exams about how to crack them and score maximum. 1.While talking about PCM Subjects,have full command in any two subjects. 2.While appearing for exam solve those sections first in which you have full command,then go for other questions. 3.If you are doubtful about certain questions,leave them. 4.If negative marking is not there attempat all questions and for the questions,you don't know the answer tick on same option.This will increase probability of getting correct answers.(for no negative marking questions) 5.As far as subjects are concerned,refer NCERT for chemistry.Most of the exams take questions from NCERT. 6. For physics HC Verma is best,then Pradeep and some foreign journals. 7.For mathematics,I practiced RD Sharma but again some foreign author books are required for getting good marks. 8.Always go through previous year questions and try to figure out pattern. 9...

An iron needle sinks but ship floats,how?

Hello all, Today's blog is divided in two parts- 1.Secondary Level. 2.Senior Secondary Level. As the title suggests an iron needle sinks but ship floats.We are going to discuss the reasons in two different levels targeted at two different groups of students. Talking about secondary level,all the students of class 7th or 8th must have witnessed this question in their science books right.As far as my case is concerned I was in class 8th when this case was discussed in science book in very small part.The reason given for floating of ship and sinking of iron needle made of same material was explained to be related to density.Since iron needle had greater density than water itself so it sank whereas ship floated being less in density compared to water.Thats it.It was supposed to be the answer of 2marks.Then I moved to 9th standard and all of a sudden my father and brother both asked me to answer the same question as they knew in class9th there is mechanics,so they wanted to test m...

Importance of units

Hello all, Welcome back... In today's blog I am going to discuss about the importance of units.We are taught right from childhood that a physical quantity consists of two parts,one being magnitude and other being unit.To specify a physical unit we need both.For eg if someone asks you how much distance did you cover in today's morning walk?You might say 2km.Imagine if you would have said only 2,was it explainable.Answer is no.Similarly only saying km will also not be explainable.That is why both magnitude and units are important.Now this information you will get in primary textbooks also.But can you imagine its practical implications and its repercussions.Let me tell you a story. But before that I would like to emphasize on the importance of SI units.SI units are international standard units designed to maintain uniformity.Imagine what will happen if we neglect its importance.Now here comes a real life story. An aeroplane flew from its source towards it's destination,b...